
Showing posts from December, 2017

My Year

“She does not beg, force, or chase. She prays, works, and has faith...” ... Proverbs 31:10- “She is worth far more than rubies...” ... I’ve never had much self value. I also generally don’t chase after people who have left, because I assume I’m not enough, and they are better off without me. One of the songs I wrote this year is literally titled, “Better as a memory”, because I am convinced that’s all I am- a memory... and with The New Year drawing close, I found myself staring at the sealing, on yet another sleepless night- going over the events of the year... ... I turned 21, celebrated my 2 year wedding anniversary, experienced the bitter sweat taste of having a dear friend back(just for a moment), started THE job I’ve been searching for, had someone say they loved my voice & had someone tell me to never sing again, hunted every weekend, almost lost a family member to cancer, did a bible study over facebook with 2 Canadians, grew close to an old buddy during a rough t...

Dancing with the right partner

When I was 16, I ask God to dance. I had floated around the ball room a few times and realized I wasn't near ready to dance with any of the guys their.. They either were far more experienced than me or not experienced enough. I ask God to teach me, to guide me, and to prepare me for the right dance partner... and He did.. He glided smoothly across the dance floor, leading me... He taught me how to waltz with patience, to swing dance with Faith, to two step with Joy, and to have love and grace in it all... He taught me how to follow, and He also showed me when it was ok to lead. He forced me to trust Him, and have faith that He wouldn't drop me... He gave me strength and held me up, when I began to lose balance... He reminded me to smile and have fun, while at the same time holding my structure and frame- my standards. He helped me understand moves I never thought I would be able to do, and He showed me how to Love something that I once found repulsive (dancing in itself).....

"They are No Longer Two but One Flesh"

Matthew 19:6, "So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." This verse has become so real to me over the last 2 years... Everyone has their own demons- and the beauty of a marriage is no longer having to fight those demons alone... Let me put it this way- Image 2 soldiers, climbing up a mountain, with a sanctuary at the top... Both have their own individual enemies, who hold no grudge against the other soldier.   These warriors have 2 options- They can climb alone and weaken their forces but possibly reach the top faster OR they can climb together, slowing each other down but standing stronger chance at survival.  You shouldn't look at your spouses weaknesses as something that is holding you back, rather view them as an opportunity to grow stronger together. For the longest time, I would try and get ahead, I kept walking alone, leaving Dante in my rear view... and when I was knocked down by my demo...