Life is Too Short

Life is too short for angry and/or unspoken words. Our world can turn upside down in a heartbeat... Don't assume your words don't hurt, and don't assume your loved ones know what they mean to you. Life isn't easy, and often we have to go out of our comfort zone and just have a little faith... Don't live in your regrets... Don't let the sun go down on hate filled words, and don't let those whom you care about ever think for a moment that you don't love them. Our time here is Limited and we need to learn to make the most of it; make a change, save a life. One of the best ways to show love to those around you is telling them the truth... telling them of Christ, and His love for us, and his Gift to man. Open the door to them, so that they may have a chance, and have Faith that the Lord will work on their hearts, and help them step through. Plant the seed... you never know when the slightest sight of concern or love can save a life... 
 "In the morning when I rise, When I am alone, and When I come to die, Give me Jesus."

The Lord's plan is sovereign and perfect, and we have nothing to fear or lose, but everything to gain...  I recently lost a close friend from college- and if there was one thing he taught me- it was to live life with no regrets- and in Everything give God the glory... Such a simple yet beautiful song, that he actually introduced me to, was "Give Me Jesus"... He told me the greatest gift He had ever received was Jesus, and the greatest gift we as Children of God can give, is to Share Jesus and His Love. Though losing a friend was hard, I knew he was where he wanted to be(with God), and I realized it wasn't "Goodbye" simply, "so long for now"... Unfortunately, not all lose comes with that peace... I know what it's like, to lose a friend and a loved one, and not be sure if they knew the Lord and not be sure if they knew what they meant to me. It hard, and it breaks you... It's why I have decided to share the amazing gift of Christ with whoever I can whenever I can, no matter what! I of all people hate confrontation; i hate any sense of awkwardness or discomfort, but I know now, that if I truly love the person, no matter how awkward it may make it or how angry they may be towards me, I have to tell them the truth; I have to tell them of the savior so that I at least can say that I tried... All i can do is plant the seed, and leave the rest to Christ...


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