Joyful Noise
Phil. 4:4- "Rejoice in the Lord always". Often times people view this verse as unrealistic. "well God, how can I rejoice when my mother has cancer." or "how can I rejoice when my brother is in prison?" God will always find a way to bring good out of evil. Think to the story of Joseph. His brothers literally were the reason he spent years away from his family, in and out of prison, never knowing if he would live to see another day. His life was full of ups and downs- from being the Pharaoh's right hand man, to being thrown in prison based on false accusations of rape, to becoming Prime Minister and saving several Egyptians and his own family. Joseph says to his brother in Gen 50:20-21- "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don;t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." God turned a horrible situation, into something good, and...