Jeremiah 1:5

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"- Jeremiah 1:5

So, I know this may step on some toes - but I’ve got to get something off my chest. I do not understand how Christians can justify being Pro-choice. I mean, how can you, with good conscious, face God on judgement day and tell Him that you supported the murder of His children. I mean, please explain to me how it is not murder in your eyes. I just cannot see how Christians justify this act when scripture is clear about the killing of other human beings. And how can we have the arrogance to pretend to know when a child in the womb is officially a "person"? Do we really think we have the right to make that call? I mean, for goodness' sake, not to be that person, but we literally arrest and fine people for destroying Bald Eagle Eggs- fertilized eggs- just like the baby inside of me.

I had someone tell me today that because I was only 10 weeks along I should not refer to the being growing inside of me as a Baby. "It is a premature fetus that is still at the legal age of abortion. It is insulting to mothers who have REAL babies that you call your fetus a baby". These words came from a fellow Christian. Do not tell me that this beautiful being growing inside of me, this being that I’ve seen waving its arms around and saw its little heartbeat, is not a "REAL" baby.

Did you know that a 20-week-old, a Fetus already has eyes, hair, genitalia, Skin, and a female fetus already has begun producing the eggs she will carry inside of her for the rest of her life? All of this already happening at 20 weeks old- the legal age to still abort a fetus.

Did you know that hospitals used to require you get an ultrasound before you get an abortion because most women would change their mind once they saw the baby? But now they made it so that hospitals are not allowed to require that; most aren't even allowed to suggest an ultrasound to the woman. I could go on for hours (or 27 pages if you read my senior paper on abortion) about all the psychological damage abortion causes and how unnatural the whole process is, but I know there is no point because most people are set in their ways and refuse to listen.

Honestly, I do not expect a non-believer to listen, but when a fellow Sibling in Christ tells me that I do not have the right to call my child a "baby" because it is still at the legal age of abortion, that is not ok.


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